Showing posts with label corporate learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate learning. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Tips For Creating Engaging Micro-learning Courses To Enhance Learning Experience


When the training is too hard to digest and gives your learners a heartburn, a bite-sized approach is an adept solution to make learning engaging and fun-based. This is where micro-learning comes into the picture.

Micro-learning is one of the most efficient content delivery methods that many organizations include in employee training programs. It can be incorporated into any type of training, traditional or otherwise, and have the power of engaging e-learners and keeping them focused on the subject.

Micro-learning holds a great deal of effective elearning solutions in today’s fast paced corporate training world to provide learner-centric information in a short span of time.

To create effective, small, relevant, and digestible courses, information must be provided in an engaging package that closes immediate knowledge gaps.

Here are some effective tips for creating engaging micro-learning courses that will enhance learning experience and boost productivity.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Reasons To Consider Product Knowledge Training as Important


Product knowledge training is the most important factor for the staff members as well as for the company to increase sales. Every business wants to be successful and have happy customers.

Providing staff with basic product knowledge is not enough. They must know the in-depth knowledge of the product to face the clients and sell the product. There are many reasons why product knowledge training is so important and why it is crucial in increasing sales. Here are a few reasons listed below.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

How Learning Technologies Influence Training and Development?

Any organization’s progress undoubtedly depends on its employees’ performance. Companies invest huge money in training their employees to improve their all-around efficiency, targeting long-term strategic profits.

In this era of rapid technological development, employees should update themselves technically so that it boosts their individual performance. Let us see some significant reasons why learning technology is a must for all the employees:

Read More: How Learning Technologies Influence Training and Development?

Monday, February 15, 2021

Why Video-Based Learning is Best For Corporate Training?


Traditional methods used in training and development are hard to measure the effectiveness of the training because of following reasons:

- Tough Schedule Stiffness, 
- Lacks learner engagement, 
- Time-consuming and, 
- Lacks Interactivity.

Learning & Development (L&D) started incorporating video-based learning to meet the needs of today’s impatient, overwhelmed, and distracted employees.

According to a study, a learner is likely to remember 10% of textual content, 65% of visual content, but 95% of audio-visual content. Hence, video-based learning is a widely accepted eLearning trend that effectively enhances self-learning and engages learners’ attention throughout the course. And, this is what eLearning aims for – enhancing the learning experience.